Sunday, February 20, 2011

I've Watched

Written for Randy Prewitt 12/061996

I've watched you climb the mountain steep
With snow shoes on your feet.
I've watched you shovel snow from under your truck
and finally get unstuck.
I've watched you go to and from work
All dressed in tie and shirt.
I've watched you toil in heat and cold
I know its getting very old.
I've watched your spirit sink
Only to rise again in a wink.
I've watched you struggle to make ends meet.
Because of you we always eat.
I've watched you build and build and build again
Hammer, saw, tape, mud and cement blend.
I've watched your unceasing toil
Sweat, drenched, torn and soiled.
I've watched your loving care for me
Without you, where would I be?
I've watched and wished I could carry your load
Much to you I owe!
I've watched and I've grown to love your very, very much
My heart you have deeply touched.
Heidi C Prewitt
December 10 1996

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